Overpayments, Avoiding Them and Best Kept Secrets

On-Demand CLE Course: Overpayments, Avoiding Them, and Best Kept Secrets

Presented by: Edwin Lopez-Soto; Debora Wagner

The most common reason for an overpayment of disability benefits is work activity on the part of the disability beneficiary. Many disability beneficiaries find that living on the disability benefits are difficult, so they find a job to supplement their income. The problems begin there. Learn how to avoid them the difficulties between reconsideration and waiver of the overpayment and about the best kept administrative waiver secrets.

Note: This course was previously approved for a Live Conference and may be eligible for CLE self-study credit. CLE Self-Study credit may be obtained by applying directly to your state bar association. Please check with your state bar for their rules and regulations.

Recorded 7/18/2022

Discounted member price: 80.00
You could save: 15.8%